Full course description
Course Curriculum
In this brief course, you will have the opportunity to experience SEL practices, learn more about the latest SEL research, and consider current opportunities and challenges in the field of SEL.
Course components include (1.5 hours):
- SEL Basics: Definitions, Examples, and Practices
- The History of SEL
- SEL Research
- SEL Implementation and Programs
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Field of SEL
Course Outcomes
Participants will:
- Review the latest equity-focused definition of SEL from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- Explore a breakdown of specific skills for each of CASEL’s five competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making)
- Learn practices for teaching each of CASEL’s five competencies for different ages, including adults
- Learn the history of SEL, from ancient to modern-day, along with the types of organizations currently promoting SEL
- Review the latest research on the benefits of SEL, along with some of the limitations (including cultural)
- Explore how SEL is implemented in schools and classrooms, including social and instructional teaching practices and sample SEL programs, along with key tasks for overall successful implementation
- Consider the latest opportunities and challenges in the field of SEL, such as transformative (equity-centered) SEL, the purpose and assessment of SEL, the developmental aspects of SEL, and adult SEL
Course Instructor:
Vicki Zakrzewski, Ph.D., is the GGSC’s founding education director. Read more about Vicki.
Social-emotional learning is good for students and staff
SEL improves students’ academic outcomes and general well-being, lowers risky behavior, and leads to better relationships with teachers and peers. Teachers who are able to regulate their emotions enjoy greater job satisfaction and personal accomplishment, in addition to better support from their principal. And when students feel emotionally supported by their teachers, both their academic outcomes and behavior improve.